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Let’s face it. No one likes a bad boss.
In fact, a recent study from DDI, a leadership consulting firm, shows that “57% of employees who walk out the door do so specifically because they can’t stand their boss. That includes 14% of employees who say they’ve left multiple jobs because of their boss.”
In fact, a recent study from DDI, a leadership consulting firm, shows that “57% of employees who walk out the door do so specifically because they can’t stand their boss. That includes 14% of employees who say they’ve left multiple jobs because of their boss.”
The study also shows “another 32% have “seriously considered” leaving their job because of their boss. That means just 12% of employees have never quit—or have even thought of quitting—because of their manager.”
As a previous Director of Marketing and Events at a family entertainment center, I can assure you, your staff is better when YOU, as their boss, are better.
While there are many leadership traits that make up a great FEC owner or manager, there are several that rise to the top as vital to retaining employees—and happy, hard-working ones at that!
5 Leadership Traits That Make a Great Boss
1.) Communication
Although you may like them to be sometimes, your employees aren’t mind readers. You can’t expect them to work on particular tasks or complete them according to your preference if you don’t explain to them what and how you would like something to be done.
When there are defined goals to meet and clear processes in place to get them there, it leaves little room for error. And, if an error is made, you’ll be able to pull them aside, let them know where they went wrong, and how to improve for next time.
Additionally, people love being praised! Be sure communicate to your team members when they’re doing a great job, especially when there are other staff members—and even customers—around! This motivates them to continue working hard and efficiently, and shows the rest of your team what behavior and actions you wish to see.
2.) Trust
It’s also important that your team is able to communicate with you. If you have an unapproachable demeanor, your staff is going to be less likely to trust you. They’ll be apprehensive about coming to you with questions or concerns they may have, which could lead to potentially more serious down the road, such as unhappy customers or faulty equipment.
You need to communicate to your team that they can trust you, that they can confide in you, and you will be there to help them.
Trust also goes both ways. Nobody likes a micro-manager. You hired the individuals on your team because you deemed them capable of doing the jobs you need them to…right?
So let them lead!
If you’ve properly communicated what you need done and how you’d like them to do it, you need to trust they’re going to listen and have the skills to get it done right!
You can’t be everywhere all the time. If you’ve hired employees that you don’t feel confident can accomplish tasks without you around, it might be time to reconsider your hiring qualifications.
3.) Fairness
Be fair. Don’t play favorites just because you’re best friends with Sally’s dad. Your employees notice, and to be honest, you’re not doing Sally any favors, as she’ll likely be excluded from the team bond you want everyone to have because they’ll resent her. Give everyone the same opportunities to succeed.
That being said, fairness also means rewarding those that deserve it. It’s important to recognize staff members who put in the extra hours and out of their way create amazing customer experiences for your guests should be recognized. It wouldn’t be fair to promote a sub-par employee just because you like them as a person, right?
At the end of the day, you’re running a business. One that you wish to be successful not just in the short-term, but for years to come.
Give each of your employees the same opportunities to succeed, but make sure to recognize the ones that decide to take advantage of the opportunity.
4.) Respect
Have you ever heard the phrase “You get what you give?”
You need to respect your employees for them to respect you. Everyone knows you’re the boss, so you don’t need to go out of your way to shout orders and boss people around for them to know this. No one likes being made to feel “less than.”
Use The Golden Rule as your compass, and you’ll have a team that works hard with positive attitudes each day, because they want to see you and the business they work for succeed!
5.) Guidance
Guidance is a key leadership trait to have if you’re in charge. Many people are looking for a mentor in their boss, someone who can show them how to improve and “move up the ranks” so they can be in a leadership position themselves one day.
If your team doesn’t feel like you care about their success, they won’t care to help you towards your success.
Do You Have These Leadership Traits?
Now that you know 5 key leadership traits that make a good boss, how many do you think you possess?
Write them down, and why you think you you have them. Then, get honest feedback. That’s right—hold a meeting with your entire staff asking for open and feedback on how they view you as their top leader.
Either way it should prove to be a positive experience. You’ll either walk away feeling great, knowing that you have a team behind you who’s happy and sees you as a wonderful boss, or have constructive criticism you can take with you and work on, so you can become the best leader for your staff.